Alright, here goes!!! My blogger friends,
Kim and
Laura started a "getting healthy" program last week. They are blogging about it on Thursdays. I decided to blog on Fridays, because I didn't start till Friday and because I didn't like the number on my scales yesterday, due to the pizza I ate Wednesday night. I thought I'd give it one more day. And, because I like the title, Fat Fighting Friday! Ha!
Anyway, here goes........My husband and I are both working very (well fairly) hard on getting into a healthier shape! He really started all of this, and I'm following along. It's easier that way, since he does most of the cooking, etc..... Last Friday when I read Kim's and Laura's blogs I decided to join along with them by posting about it on my blog.
As of this morning I was 2 pounds lighter!!!! Last Friday my scales said, 1_7 and today they said 1_5! One day this week they actually said 1_4!!! I was really excited that day, but then I ate pizza and a couple of other things the scales didn't like it!!!!
We have mostly eaten lots of veggies and fresh fruits. My husband has roasted a variety of veggies like, broccoli, potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, onions, sweet potatoes, etc..... These really are good. He used olive oil, pepper, a tiny bit of sea salt, and other seasonings. I'd have to ask him what all he put on them. These lasted for a couple of days!
On Monday, my husband had a stress test done, which meant he couldn't have coffee or food until afterwards. I supported him by not even brewing the coffee or eating. I went with him, and after he was finished he asked if I wanted to go to IHOP!! Of course I did, but I really thought I would blow it and eat pancakes or something, but we were both really good and ordered veggie omelets. I could only eat about half of mine. They served a small bowl of fresh fruit on the side. Yum! Since we ate breakfast so late, I didn't have lunch that day. I did snack a little that afternoon on dried cherries and nuts.
However, I did blow it on Wednesday night. We eat together at my church on Wednesday evenings. The couple who was supposed to provide the meal this week called me on Tuesday night to tell me they weren't going to be able to be there and asked if I would just order pizza. Of course, I'll order pizza! I also got chips and cookies.
I did buy some fresh cut veggies, like celery and carrots to make a show of providing something healthy. I didn't even think twice about eating some of everything!!! Oh well, I guess one meal out of a whole week isn't going to ruin me.
Exercise has entered my life again!!! Not much, mind you, but a little more each day. I'm anxious for warmer weather so I can go to the park and walk!!!
On the sewing front. I added a bit of crinoline to Jenna's dress. I just gathered up a 2 /12 yard length of netting that was doubled and sewed it to the lining between the lining and the dress so it wouldn't scratch her little legs. I think it made a difference. I like it. Jenna will, too, I think. I will get it hemmed if I ever find out the length measurement.

On the back of Riley's I decided not to use buttons, but to use this ribbon that matches the colors and little flowers in the smocking perfectly, instead. I made rosettes from the end of a long streamer of the ribbon. I stitched them on at the edge of the back neck line. Then, I tied a little bow leaving the ribbon streaming down the back. I like this look. Hers isn't hemmed either. I like the way the lining is working in this dress. I don't think I would line a bishop style dress if the fabric was any heavier, though. This fabric is very thin and soft.

I had to make hair accessories for the girls. Riley's is the bow. I will buy a clip to sew to it. The other two are purchased head bands that I have wrapped ribbon around. Kellen's is the darker pink. I don't know if you can see the green stitching that goes down the center of the ribbon or not, but it matches the green of Kellen's dress. I decided she needs a little pink to help coordinate the looks. Jenna's has the light pink ribbon.

Today is the day to actually start Little Man's outfit. I got it cut out. He's getting tan slacks and a blue dress shirt. I will also make him a tie, but I haven't chosen the fabric for that yet. I probably have something in my stash that will work. I'm thinking of making him a hat, too, but not like the golfer's hat I made last year. He may not wear it with this outfit, but he'll have it to wear whenever he needs it.

And....... I have the pleating done on Little E's dress. As you see, it isn't blocked properly yet, but at least my pleater is working!!! Hers is an orange and white stripe. I'm not sure about the colors for the smocking yet. I'm going to look at embroidery thread either today or tomorrow. I'll take a sample of the fabric with me to help me choose. This fabric is so soft. I want to wrap up in it. It isn't heavy, but it does have more body than Riley's green does, so I probably won't line it. I'll make a slip for it. She will definitely get a hair bow!

And..... to change gears once again...... My puppet team is going to be doing a workshop in April for churches from all around the conference. We decided we need t-shirts that tell who we are. This is the design for the back of the shirt. It will have the name of our team, "Heavenly Hands Puppet Team" encircling the design. This is not the design that my kids really asked for, but the one they want has a copyright on it. I checked on it and was told we could use part of it, but that we could not put our name around it. So, I drew this design. I think my kids will like this just as well, if not better, anyway. I sure hope so. Our shirts will be turquoise with the design in black.