This tells why I did it. My mom is at the nursing home where this fence surrounds a picnic area. My husband's mom, his grandfather, and my aunt all were residents at one time.
Do you see "Cissy" in the vine. She was my aunt who lived at the nursing home years ago.
Here is "Marie" - my mother-in-law
This says "Ruth" - my mom
And here is "Ed" - my grandfather-in-law
These names are all on this gate.
The rest of the pictures can speak for themselves.
I will comment on the next two photos. The residents planted tomatoes a week or so ago in this planter. One of the residents saw my painting from inside and she thought the tomatoes had already grown to the top of the fence!
I had planned to work on this for 3 days, but it took 4 instead. I am sore from bending, stooping, reaching, etc..... I'm exhausted and don't have any sewing projects to do right away, so I am going to take a short break from posting. I'll still try to get on once a day to read your blogs and make comments, though. We've had so much going on since my husband's mom first broke her hip, had surgery, spent time in the nursing home, came home, and then passed away, that I am mentally tired and just need some time to relax and do little thinking. On top of all that I've been sick with sinus stuff!! I have a couple of good books to read, a deck to sit on, and flowers to enjoy, so that is just what I'm going to do.
You painted ALL of that? Oh, my word! It's fantastic!!
You definitely deserve a rest! Enjoy!!
That is the nicest nursing home garden (and fence) I have ever seen. You are such a kind person, Julia, and this is a lovely gift.
Julia, you are truly an exceptional artist! I love how you integrated the names into the vines. Beautifully done.
Julia, the fence is absolutely amazing! Your talents are just about endless aren't they???
I'm going to send your link to my cousin. She's an artist too and just started blogging. I know she will enjoy seeing this latest project of yours!
I am just in awe! Would you come and paint my fence? What a lovely sight to see everyday for those residents!
Julia, this is beautiful!
Wow, that is amazing!!!! Yay, you!!
WOW! I love the fence. You did a great job. Enjoy your mini vacation.
Julia , Hi my cousin Susan sent me your blog ....Your art work is great ! I think we both paint almost the same way . I love that you did this for a nursing home and how you painted the names into it . I painted a mural on my Mom's wall almost like this .Hope to see more .Great job ,I know how tireing it can get ,you deserve to relax for awhile ,Cheryl
What a blessing these cheerful colorful murals will be to all the residents and what a self-less act on your part to share your talent in this way. May God "refuel your tank" as you take time to relax!
I love the fence!! It's so beautiful and sweet, but whimsical, too! It's wonderful!
What an AMAZING job you did!! You deserve at least A Week Off:)
Happy Thursday
May God bless you and reward you for your kindness for such a good deed. That is amazing work, and after all that, you are well deserving a break.
this is incredible gorgeous.
I don't usuallly like the romantic style, but this is just great. What a very special job you've done for these people ... no words.
Wow, that's so amazing. They will be so happy to be able to look outside and see all this gorgeous painting every day. What a gift you gave.
I hope you'll be able to find some much earned rest and get some new energy for your next wonderful projects!
Julia, this is amazing!! You are a wonder. Thanks for sharing it with us, and enjoy some richly deserved time off.
Wow, Julia. I am speechless! Ditto above comments while I gasp!
The work is lovely and beautifully done but made even moreso but the love behind it. Enjoy your rest. You deserve it.
Wow, Julia, that is great! What a wonderful idea. And the artwork is fantastic. I'm glad you were able to do that for the residents.
Julia- the mural is so gorgeous- the residents must love it! I love that you included all of your loved ones in the vines also- how sweet! I hope you get a good re-charge- remember to take care of yourself my friend! You deserve a little break-it makes me smile to think of you on your deck with a book and a glass of sweet tea admiring your flowers. Big hugs to you!!!!
Such a generous sharing of your time, talent and love. Your murals will bring sunshine and smiles to the residents! May you soon feel better.
Dear Julia, You are amazing...just astonishing. No wonder your back hurts. How precious that your family have all gone to the same nursing home.
I took care of my grandma to keep her out of one for so long, but eventually, I had to allow her to go. Some homes really are great! This one sounds so special!
Enjoy your break!
You are so sweet to do that and so adorable for the residents to look out and see. I love the EXIT sign and how it is placed. My goodness Julia I just have to meet you and take you to lunch in Knox.
You are so generous with your talents. I love that in you!
What a beautiful tribute to your loved ones.
Oh girl, I just love love what you did. Can you come to my place and do mine!
I'm breathless! You are truly one inspiring lady. I can't believe the amount of work and detail and all the personal troubles. Truly AMAZING!!!
Are you an Angel? I think so...
You enjoy every single moment, sentence, and floral aroma...
How wonderful that you painted this ! How wonderful for the residents there, to enjoy this cheerful sight! Definitely the prettiest fence I have ever seen !
You are such a talented woman!
Get plenty of rest - it is time to take care of YOU! Hugs.
Julia, the fence is beautiful. I know you are still on your break from posting but I just wanted to let you know I am praying for you and miss your posts. You have had so many things happen this spring and I know you are tired. You are such a blessing and I think you are wonderful.
What an amazing piece of artwork! How kind and thoughtful you are to paint a garden that the residents of the nursing home can see and enjoy. You are an angel!
Julia, oh please. 4 days? What a wonderful gift to the nursing home! Stopping by from CSI.
I'm touched by the inspiration, and in love with the cheery painting! Love your style! We are finishing up installing a sensory garden for my 5 year old son, he is mostly deaf and legally blind. This gives me some ideas for more ways to incorporate color and high contrast! Thanks so much for sharing!
~Red Head
you are AMAZING, and should totally win the CSI competition this week. that fence is the cutest yard art i've ever seen. please come to my house next.
WOW!! Amazing talent! Beautiful job!!
So precious and sweet. It's a treasure and so are you!
OH my goodness, that is SO wonderful!! It's just so whimsical and FUN and beautiful! What a treasure.
What a happy and joyful looking fence. I would love to curl up with a book there are play with my kids. It must make you so happy every time you see it!
Thanks so much for linking up to the CSI Project! We really appreciate it. I hope you will come back next week for our Hardware Store challenge!
CONGRATULATIONS ON FIRST PLACE !!! What a well-deserved win. Well done, Julia!
congratulations! i am still so blown away by your project. i spent a lot of time in nursing homes with my grandparents, and i wish they would have had something as bright and lovely at their place.
Congratulations!! You really deserved to win...its fabulous!
This is amazing - love it!!!
When you feel your soreness, remember that is is a "good" sore! Your painting scenes are now giving great joy to the residents (and staff)and your sore muscles gave these results!!! Wonderful work and wonderful idea!
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