One daughter has been married 12 years as of yesterday!!!! My how time flies.
Another will be 31 tomorrow!!! Ugh!!!
The other has her 28th birthday coming up very soon!!!
There's no way I'm old enough for all of this!!!!
Mother is not doing well, so far, but they really haven't started DOING anything. Please continue to pray that it really is her meds that are messing with her and that she will get straightened out. I'm not sure she knew me tonight.
We took my father-in-law to see two of his daughters this week. We went to Nashville to see one on Thursday and to Winchester to see another yesterday. We spent the night in Winchester. It was very nice to see my sister-in-laws and their husbands. My father-in-law seems to being doing very well since the death of my mother-in-law a little over a month ago.
Life is just crazy!!!!
Add-on to yesterday's post
I just read my post from yesterday and realized that it sounded pretty negative about my daughters growing older. I am so happy that our girls are independent young women, and that they have found the perfect spouses. I am so grateful that they have happy marriages and that the oldest is celebrating 12 years with her best friend. Our other two daughters will be celebrating their 5th anniversaries this year (yep, they got married within 3 months of each other, That was a busy year!) I am also happy for all three of our daughters that they are at the stages of their lives where they are raising their own families. One of the best times of my life was when our daughters were little. I wish I had taken more time to just enjoy them, though. It seems that we were always in a HURRY to go to one place or another. Our girls seem to be taking more time with their children to do "fun" things than we did. I am grateful that they have seen the importance of this part of their kids' upbringing. I said "ONE" of the best times of my life a few sentences above, because even though that was a wonderful time, I wouldn't give up the times that I get to spend with the grandchildren, now, for anything!! This is an equally wonderful period of our lives.
Sometimes, like yesterday, I get in a funk about my mom, my husband's mom, etc...., but truly I am a BLESSED woman! I realize that becoming elderly comes with things that we don't understand and that I suppose we aren't really supposed to understand. My husband and I were fortunate to have the moms we had and now we just have to realize that phase of our lives are over. I am still hoping that the doctors will be able to straighten out my mom's meds and that she will be able to spend the end years of her life in a much more peaceful state than she is in now.
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13 hours ago