Sweet Young Emily from Super Stitches awarded me with this awesome award!!! I love using my imagination! That is what sewing, writing, drawing, etc..... is all about.
The rules are below:
-Award Rules -
1. List 8 stories or books you'd like to live in.
2. List 8 other bloggers who deserve this award.
3. Comment on their blogs & let them know you've awarded them!
I'm going to bend the rules just a tad. Most of the books that I read are not ones in which I'd want to live. Rather, most of them make me glad to be living my real life. However, when I read a book, I almost always find a character with which I identify. Also, I taught 6th grade language arts for so long that some of my favorite books are for that age group. I am going to list books and authors I love to read.
1. Wizard of Oz - by Frank L. Baum (If you haven't read the book, you should. The movie leaves out so much of the excitement!)
2. Belle Prater's Boy - by Ruth White ( about a young boy in the mountains of SW VA whose mother disappears)
3. Homecoming, Dicey's Song, Seventeen Against the Dealer - all by Cynthia Voight (the Tillerman children are abandoned)
4. Hatchet, Brian's Song, The River, etc...... - by Gary Paulson (adventure, survival, etc...)
5. Call It Courage - by Armstrong Sperry (A young boy goes out on his own to find his courage - set on a Polynesian Island before recorded history)
6. All of John Grissom's books (good way to feel good about my own life, not near the drama in real life!!)
7. The Help - by Kathryn Stockett (This is a fairly new must read!!!! about racial issues in the South during the 60s.)
8. Philippa Gregory's books - (I wouldn't want to live in these books for sure, but they are fascinating historical fiction.)
There are many, many more but I will stop with these eight.
If you love to read leave me a comment and I will send this award on to you!!! I know a few of your read a lot, but I'm not sure who all. Perhaps we should start a reader's blog.
This is a tiny photo, but perhaps you can see it well enough to appreciate the beautiful colors and precise piecing on this gorgeous quilt that my cousin, Malinda, made!!! I am not nearly patient enough to do this kind of work!! She has made so many pretty quilts.

She and her husband, who is a pilot, flew here from Chattanooga on Saturday. It's about a 30 minute flight in the small plane he flies. I picked them up at our teeeeeeeninsey airport. We went fabric shopping at Katy's Fabrics which isn't too far from us. Katy and her family own and operate this really cool store. They have fabrics of every type!!! I've mentioned before that if I ever need something really different I find it there. They used to just carry seconds and factory overruns, but no more. They have gorgeous cottons, etc..... Malinda bought a bunch of quilting fabrics. Katy has ordered fabric for me to make my grandbaby-to-be's nursery things.
After the fabric shopping we went to the nursing home to feed my mom her dinner. We also visited with my mother-in-law. They sit at the same table so we can visit with both moms at the same time.
Then, we went to Malinda's brother's (my cousin, of course) restaurant where we ate pizza! I only ate one piece, though. I ate mostly salad.
We had a great time!!!
I took them back to the airport. They were back home not long after I got home! I think that is really cool that they can just hop in a plane and fly up here so quickly. Of course, it is a little over an hour's drive.
Your cousins quilt is a wonderful quilt. I love the brick like layout. The look of the quilt would change a lot based on fabric selection. I'm glad you got too spend some time with them.
Julia you are too talented! I love to read but like you I'm not sure I'd want to be a character in any of them. I really love legal suspense and most the characters I read about are men.
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