First, I'll tell you about getting my mojo back!
Because Lil'B has a first birthday coming up in a couple of weeks, and Lil'E has a fourth birthday in about a month, it was time to get back to my real passion, which is sewing for my grands.

Above is the smocked panel that will go into a bubble suit for Lil'B. I used floss that matches the fabric (lavender) almost exactly for the largest part of my smocking. I filled in the diamonds with pastel yellow. Then for the bullion roses, I first outlined the center of the diamonds with pastel green and then filled in the center with more of the lavender.
And - below, is the smocked panel that will go into a dress for Lil'E. For this one I used a pale, pale pink for the largest part of the design because Lil'E's new favorite color is pink. Then I used the pale yellow to fill in the diamonds. And - again, I used the green to outline the bullion roses, and this time, I used the pink for the actual roses.
The bubble suit and dress are cut out and ready to be put together. Their mom asked me to make outfits that they can have their photos made in at the beach. She didn't want the typical white, though, so thus, the pastel lavender 100% cotton batiste. She'll have to iron these. I am going to line these with a blended cotton, though, so maybe the ironing won't be too bad!
Okay, so it's time to go rinse the color out of my hair, then into my sewing room for construction of these little birthday outfits.
Do you know the song, "CRAZY," that Patsy Cline made famous? The lyrics have been running through my mind the past few days, but with some major changes, as follow:
(saying well, maybe)
Crazy, I'm crazy for feelin' so lonely.
(giving it a thought)
I'm crazy, crazy for feelin' so blue.
(You knew, I would have a hard time saying no.)
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
(that it's been four years since I the last time I taught)
and then some day you'd leave me for somebody new.
Worry, why do I let myself worry
wondering what in the world did I do.
(I should teach again )
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying
(and, "WHYING?")
and crazy for crying
( ..ier than I've ever been!)
and I'm crazy for loving you.
Worry, why do I let myself worry
wonderin' what in the world did I do.
(and feeling such dismay)
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you.
I'm crazy for trying
(and "WHYING?")
and crazy for crying
(saying, "OKAY.")
and I'm crazy for loving you.
So, if this made sense, you will know that I've agreed to go back into the classroom, not permanently, mind you, but to fill in for a teacher who is going on maternity leave. I retired four years ago after having taught 32 years. I went back part-time as a math interventionist, and then again in the spring, as a substitute. Now, I have agreed to teach third grade till December 16!!!! The teacher who asked me is a real sweet young lady, who just had her second child {a new little baby boy (her first is s girl)}. I taught 6th grade language arts the last 18 years of my career. The things I'm most concerned about are:
Every classroom has a SMART BOARD now!!!! (Am I smart enough to learn how to use it?)
Centers are a requirement in third grade!!!
I'll have to set my alarm clock again!
When I retired we had 3 grands and one on the way. Now, we have SEVEN! Sewing for 3 is one thing; sewing for 7 is another. Will I be able to find the time to make Halloween costumes and Christmas outfits?
The things that made me say, "Yes," are:
I really like this young teacher, and I remember the year I took a maternity leave until Christmas. Finding subs is not an easy thing to do.
I love little ones. I did teach third grade 30 years ago and loved it. One of my grands is this age, and she's so much fun to be around.
I miss being in the classroom and around kids.
I miss my teacher friends.
I will not have to worry about sick days. When I need to take off, I can do so without worry, as long as I can find a sub.
After the first three weeks that this young teacher is using her sick days for, I will get paid full teacher pay on top of my retirement! I can teach for, I think, 120 days before it starts affecting my retirement. So for all of Sept., Oct., Nov., and half of Dec. I will make decent $$.
But, am I nervous? You better believe it!!!!!
Am I CRAZY? We'll see! I guess it may be December 16th before I know. By the way, December 16th will be our 39th wedding anniversary. I may really celebrate this year!