Hi! I'm still alive and well. Once I get home, I will post some photos of a few things I've sewn while I've been here. I haven't spent lots of time sewing, though. We've been going to the mall play area (it's too hot to play outside here in the desert) and playing dress up, with baby dolls, etc..... There's also been lots of diaper changes and burping to be done. So, as you can tell, I have been a little too busy to sew very much.
News from home has been sad this week. When my mom was growing up, one of her best friends was this boy who went to church with her. Later, he married one of her other best friends. He went to med school and while there got Polio. Through lots of hard work and determination he finished med school anyway! He and his wife had 8 children, some of whom were a little older than I and some a little younger. Actually, a few were a lot younger. Anyway, his kids and my siblings and cousins all grew up together. He was our family doctor. You aren't going to believe this, but he actually made house calls and had an office in his home so that when he wasn't in his main office, he could still see patients at any hour. He was an amazing man. He was a real pillar in our community and in our church! He will be sorely missed! Since my dad wasn't around when I was a teenager, he became somewhat of a mentor for me. In recent years he has been so much support when it came to dealing with my mom. He would go to the nursing home to visit her, even though he was in a wheelchair himself. A couple of months ago, I walked into the nursing home and found Mother with tears pouring down her face. She had dreamed that this gentleman had died. Well, the day before yesterday, he did die. He had been in the hospital for just a few days. Tomorrow is his burial and memorial service. I won't be there since I am in AZ, but I have talked to one of his daughters, and they know how I feel. My husband, who is still at home, took food out to them today and visited for awhile. We have decided that Mother doesn't need to know about this right now. She has really not been doing well at all while I've been gone. She is on a roller coaster. We just think that the timing isn't right to tell her right now. I don't believe in keeping things from her, but we don't think she will understand what we are telling her and that it might make her worse.
Prayers please for the family of this man! Also, please continue with prayers for my mom. For another story about something that happened with my mom this week, go to my other blog. There is a link at the top of my sidebar to Baby Girl's Observations.
Baby, It's Cold Outside!...
31 seconds ago
Sorry to hear about your friend and your dear Mum. You both are in my thoughts.
I was so sorry to read about the loss of your wonderful friend. What an amazing spirit! I think you all were very wise to shield your mom from this news at this time. Prayers for you and your family as well as your friend's family have been said.
Julia, so nice to hear from you. I have been thinking about you a lot lately wondering how you were doing, just yesterday as a matter of fact. Your mom has been heavy on my heart as well, as she so often is. You are very wise not to tell her about your friend. It would probably do more harm than good.
Your doctor friend was an amazing man, a rare breed of man. I wish we had more people like him in the world. I am so sorry for yours, his other friends' and the family's loss. I will lift you all up in prayer.
Have so missed you, Julia. Hope Mother does well ... sorry about the loss of your friend.
Have a lovely PS summer weekend ~
TTFN ~ Marydon
I'm so sorry about your friend. It's been a sad week around here also.
I've been missing you. I was about to write you a note when I saw your blog posts.
I can remember, as a child, our doctor made house calls. I don't know how they managed all of that, and they sure didn't get paid what they do today.
Take care of yourself.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Julia. This must be a bitter sweet time for you. There are so many wonderful people in the world that we don't hear enough about. Bless you for sharing his story with us. God Bless - Karen
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