Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dress finished, but trauma with a lost............

......button!  I took the dress with me in the car so I could sew on the buttons on our way to Cracker Barrel last night.  I picked up one of the yellow buttons for the front of the bodice. ( I had exactly the right number of buttons, by the way. ) Anyway, I dropped it between my seat and the console.  I didn't think that was such a big deal; I'd find it when we got to the restaurant, right?  Wrong!  I looked and couldn't find it, so I thought, "Oh well, when I get home, I'll get a flashlight and move the seat as far back, and/or forward till I find it.  Wrong, again!  I found ink pens, coins (not many), pretzels, embroidery thread, and various other things, but there was NOT a BUTTON in that car!!!  My husband said to let him look.  Of course, HE would find it!  WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!  That button disappeared!  So, this morning, I had to go buy another whole pack of buttons.  I should have used some I already had.                                                                                                  
 I got another button, and have 4 extra, now.  So I'm set!!!  I sewed it on and pressed the dress.  My girls laugh when I say that I press something.  There is a difference in ironing and pressing, don't you agree?  Ironing is when you have to REALLY get the wrinkles out of an entire garment.  Pressing is when you just have to lightly get a few wrinkles out and/or smooth seams, etc...as you sew.  Am I right?
Whether I'm ironing or pressing doesn't matter, I guess.  What matters is that this dress is finished.  I added the buttons to the front bodice.  I felt like it just needed a little more of something.  As you see, I didn't use yellow piping.  I changed my mind and bound the neckline and sleeves with bias cut fabric.  I then made the yellow sash.
 Close up of front bodice showing the drawn thread worked insert.
 Close up of back bodice.
I thought I'd show you that I did not make button holes for all those buttons.  I like the look of the three buttons in each scallop.   I only made button holes for the top button, the ones on the outer most edge of the scallops, and the one just above the skirt.  That one is mostly hidden by the sash, which by the way, I decided to fasten with buttons, too.  I didn't think this dress needed a big bow.
 Close up of the sleeve and over sized sash loop.
 Close up of the Boutis technique on the skirt.
Now, to start on Miss R's dress.  I pleated the piece of solid pink for the smocking, which I'm going to do in brown.  I may try a picture smocking of a bunny.  Does anyone have a good template for a bunny?  I don't want an Easter bunny, because I want her to be able to wear this all summer.  There are bunnies in this print.  I don't usually use store bought piping, but I am going to on this dress.  I want brown, and I don't want to buy another yardage of another fabric for making piping. I'm not exactly sure how I will use the ribbon, but I bought it, just in case.


Cindy said...

That dress is divine, Julia! The buttons on the front bodice look great and add that little something extra to it. And the scallops on the back with all the buttons...love it!

I'm seem to remember a back issue of Creative Needle, maybe, that had an adorable smocked bunny that was not at all easter-y. I'm not sure if it would pop up via an internet search though. Or maybe it was from Sew Beautiful. I'm sure there's one out there!

Karen said...

Such a pretty little dress. I love the hue of yellow and it's texture. Smart. Hope you find a nice bunny motif. I have a small bunny in my machine designs (ART), but nothing for hand embroidery.

Jackie's Stitches said...

You'll find that button now that you've bought a new pack! Love, love, love the back bodice. So cute!

meg said...

LOL-my first thought was the same as Jackie's--you'll find it now that you've replaced it! The dress is lovely. I may try that technique someday when I've caught up with everything I want to try someday!

Claudia said...

Julia, that dress is lovely! How do you do it? And I agree, that button will turn up now that you've purchased more!


Kim said...

Julia- the dress is gorgeous!! I love the scallops with the three buttons on the back a lot. It's just perfect- once again I'm wishing I was a little girl :)

Hanande sazende said...

skirt looks super tip,perfect fit, buttons and colors julia very good

ShirleyC said...

Beautiful dress! I love the way the back buttons.
I had to laugh about the missing button. Would you believe we lost a whole set of truck keys down in the seat, and didn't find them until we traded the truck off!

Cindy said...

Okay, It bothered me enough that I searched through my mom's back issues and found the bunny I was thinking of. It's the JG Rabbit design from Collars, etc. I believe the design is in their layette pattern. I think it's cute because it's the back silhouette of a bunny.

sewing spots said...

I love the details on this dress! Just wonderful! Thank goodness you did not make buttonholes for ALL of those buttons on the back. Wow if you had!

Needled Mom said...

What a pretty dress! I love the three button idea. I am sure that button will appear someday.

I love the pink and brown. I can't wait to see it finished.

YES....there is a difference between ironing and pressing!!!

Nana said...

New techniques mastered beautifully. Dress is lovely and I know that she will cherish it. Love the pink and brown, can't wait to see the finished product.

gwensews said...

That's a beautiful dress, from top to bottom. All those time-consuming details-wow! Very nice sewing, Julia.

Jan said...

You're right, that is lots of buttons, sheesh! But all your hard work and the stress of loosing a button paid off. It's an awesome dress.
I've done a picture smocked bunny from one of Pat Garretson's plates. It might be too small for your plate. It is from a bishop plate. Let me know if you want the name of the plate. Again, great dress.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You never cease to amaze me Julia! This is exquisite & darling ... you create such beauties for children. Oh, I agree with everyone else, the button will surely pop up now you don't need it.

Sorry,but I didn't spell my OWN name correctly, chuckle
Hugs, sweet friend ~

Jocelyn said...

The dress is just beautiful! I love the color combination. And the buttons really set it off! Great job!

iveyc95 said...

Yay! I love your version of the basic bodice technique! Great job! And I can't believe all the added details you did all in one dress. It's absolutely gorgeous!

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