Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Color-Coded Christmas Tree!

The time has come, Oh Woe is me,
To put up my color-coded Christmas tree.

It’s a task I always dread.
I should use a live one instead.

But, years ago my loving spouse
Said there’d be no live tree in the house.

“Ok,” I said, “then I want a really tall one.”
That’s what we got, and it’s not been fun.

This tree has paint on each stem
Of a different color, but it is mighty dim.

Every year I do the same thing
**And cause myself all kinds of pain. **

All the limbs are put into piles
Which takes me quite a while.

I put on the first two rows of white
And realize something just isn’t right.

There shouldn’t be two empty slots,
So I get the instructions out of the box.

I find that orange should have been first.
I hold my tongue and don’t even curse.

The two bottom rows I take off the tree
And put in the orange as they should be.

Now, it’s time to put back in the white,
But something’s still wrong, I’m not getting it right,

After putting them all in, there’s still an empty slot.
The box is empty. Find another white? I cannot.

I go ahead and put on the yellow row,
But blue should have been next, oh no!

I am making it harder than it should be.
I take off the yellow and put the blue on the tree.

Ah.. there’s the other white, mixed in with the blue How it got there I haven’t a clue.

The next three rows are red, black, and pink.
I will get this done, at least that’s what I think.

I can’t reach where I’m to put the brown and green in.

Their slots are too high, I just can’t win!

I get a chair to stand on for this task.
I’m on the purple row, which is the last.

Now, comes the top of this tree that is very tall.
What was I thinking? Apparently I wasn’t at all!

But, once it’s all decorated with red and green

It’ll be the prettiest site ever seen.

With an angel on the top of this majestic tree
My grands' little eyes will light up with glee!

by Julia R
**In the South "thing" and "pain" rhyme. (thang/pain)

Here's a couple of pictures from the puppet/children's Christmas program at church tonight.



Jocelyn said...

Julia, I feel your pain :-) I am so glad that my children still want to put the tree up ;-0 Or else maybe my tree would end up being very short and on top of a box!

Goosegirl said...

Oh Julia, the Christmas pageant looks so cute!! I have a special place in my heart for Christmas pageants. And this looks so special.
Enjoy your tree, real or not. I a sure it will be beautiful either way.

ittybittyandpretty said...

you should publish that! we have a very easy tree to put up but my sisters is exactly as you described it! aaarrggg

KID, MD said...

LOL!! It is so true!

Kim said...

best christmas poem I have ever heard! I used to work in a florist and we had trees we used to display ornaments on that were like this. I hated them so much- would always try to get out of that job- I would even volunteer to scrub buckets first! The pageant pictures are great! I bet the kids had lots of fun :)

gwensews said...

Fun poem, Julia! I hope your puppet pageant was a success. they sure are cute!

Anonymous said...

I've yet to put up our tree LOL! The kids look adorable doing their nativity play :)

Anonymous said...

Miss Julia, I have a surprise for you. Please come over to my blog.

~~louise~~ said...

So, amongst your many other talents, you are a poet too:) You did a GREAT job and I'm sure your tree looks absolutely majestic!

I too hold a special place in my heart for pageants, yours is my first one this year. Thanks for sharing Julia...

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