Well, I havent' fallen off the face of the Earth. I've just been gone a few days. We went to see 2 of our grands in a program, and yes, it was worth the 15 hour drive on Thursday to get there and the 15 hour drive back home yesterday!
I am freaking out about all the things I have to get done, so this will be short and sweet, well, maybe not so sweet, but anyway, you know what I mean. It will take a while before I even have time to download the photos I took.
Here goes:
1. Add a couple of inches to Kellen's dress. It really looked cute on her, but when she sat down it did creep up a little too much. I think I can add a pleated ruffle around the bottom without too much trouble, and I think with the tucks that will be a good look.
2. Get ready for a trunk show that I am participating that starts Thursday and goes on through Sunday. This is the first of anything like this I've ever done, and I'm not sure about my sanity when I agreed to it this time. I am not really selling anything. I'm taking a bunch of the dresses I've made over the years and having them on display. I'm taking some of my antique linens, etc.... If anyone wants a one-of-a-kind dress made for a little girl, they can pick out a linen, etc... and order it from me. Or, if they want one without the linen, that's okay, too. I probably won't get any orders, but we'll see what happens.
3. I agreed to donate something for a door prize. I plan to make a pillowcase dress. That is a quick and easy thing to do.
4. I have posters to make and need to figure out a way to display everything. I think I know what I'm doing but I need my husband's help. He said he would do whatever I need him to do. Isn't that sweet?
5. I am singing a solo in our church's cantata, and so have extra practices!!! Don't be too impressed. Remember I'm in a very small church, and there are few of us in the choir and even fewer who are willing to sing solos. I am an alto, or really a tenor. So, not too many female solos are written in my range, which is about an octave and a half! LOL From the D below middle C to the C above middle C. This solo actually has some Ds and Es above middle C. It's a strain for me.
6. I am in charge of the children's and puppets' program for Christmas. It is the first Sunday of December, and we've only really had one rehearsal. Oh well, they'll do fine.
7. I have to make some costumes for the above said program, which is not fine, though.
8. Next week is Thanksgiving, and we'll have somewhere around 20 or so people here to eat. My mom wants to come, but I think some of us are going to go eat with her instead. That sounds mean, but it is almost impossible to transport her. She got so tired last year that she slept for days afterwards. Everyone can take turns going to visit her.
9. One of my daughters and her family will be here for a few days at Thanksgiving and so will my sister. I am so excited that they are coming!!! They have to have clean bedrooms to sleep in, though. This isn't a huge issue because the rooms just need a dusting and vacuuming.
10. The rest of the house is a shambles, though, especially downstairs in my sewing room!!! AAAiiiieeee!
11. We have another niece getting married in December, so we will be going to her wedding in Nashville for a weekend.
12. We will be celebrating Christmas at our house with one daughter and her family early, so Granmomma's got to get busy decorating the house and shopping.
13. One grand has a birthday in December, so Granmomma's got to get busy making her a birthday outfit of some kind.
14. Then it will be Christmas, and we're trying to figure out a time when we can go visit our other daughter and her family who we haven't seen since August.
And...... I got a call early this morning before I'd even had a shower, that I needed to come to the nursing home to calm my mother down. She was all upset because she had one of her dreams in which something horrible had happened to one of my grands. I had to go reassure her that all was well, and that my girls and grands were all okay. She had the CNAs calling the jail (they pretended) to make sure that something bad wasn't going on there with my grands. Now, the oldest is 9, and if something was going on with them that required goings-on at the jail we would really be in trouble. My mother worked as a social worker for the DHS with child abuse cases for many years, and saw some terrible things. I think she dreams about those times and gets confused with present times. I'm not sure, but she calmed down when I got there and realized she had been dreaming.
I will be reading blogs, but probably not posting much or commenting much over the next week or so.
Stay at Home Round Robin Update and FFO
5 hours ago
Whew! You sure have a lot to do. Good luck with it all.
I'm glad you were able to calm your mother down. It sounds like she was a very giving person during her life when she was younger and did so much for so many.
Wow! What a marathon! You go, girl!
wow- you are surely a busy gal! I will be thinking of you- I have been busy too, but your list makes me feel better about mine! I really think your idea of taking shifts to go see your Mom would be better. I know when my grandma is at events she is so overwhelmed with everyone- your Mom would probably enjoy the day better and feel quite special if groups kept showing up to see her here and there. I send you thoughts of strength and lots of super human powers to breeze through your list! Take care!!
Well Julia, I wish you'd find something to occupy yourself! Wow! Sorry your mom is experiencing some bad times. I know it's hard on you.
Julia, you are one busy girl!!! I will be praying for you. We are pretty busy too and I am trying to get over being sick because I simply have no time to be ill.
But...you did not say what song you had a solo on! I want to know!!!
I have a feature song coming up on the Sunday after Thanksgiving called "Come Save". And I am singing at our women's teas but I do not yet know if I have a feature or solo for the Christmas services. Hopefully I will have a voice by tonight for rehearsal!!
Back to sewing for me. Much work to do!!
Jules, I know you're just one of those slack grandmas who sits around doing nothing all day but sipping tea...OR NOT. I always say if want something done ask a busy person.
Your poor mum - all the best with the busy times ahead!!
You're a very busy lady by the sounds of it Julia. Don't forget to have some "me time" too. Pam xx
Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way. You'll dig through your list as you take them one by one.
Julia, you are amazing, and your mom is too. :) You come from good stock, and your mom is so lucky to have you. One tip from the only craft show I ever did- the wire cage-type storage things from Target work well, are compact to travel, and if you bring zip ties to secure them it's a lot easier. (and, if you can, email me- I have a suprise for you!)
after reading your post, I realized I'm not busy at all...hehehe...God Bless you and your Mom....you are a good daughter to her. Good luck with everything Julia...
Whew! I'm tired just reading about all you're doing. You are one busy lady!
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